12 questions to get started using strategic foresight.

Updated 06 September 2023.

  1. What are some possible futures that may or may not play out for us over the next 5 to 10 years?

  2. Are there emerging trends relevant to our industry that might impact our business over the next 5 to 10 years?

  3. Are there changes happening right now (even at a small scale) that will influence our future as an organisation?

  4. How can we tap into uncertainty and gain insights into potential outcomes over the next 5 to 10 years?

  5. What can we action today to prepare for tomorrow?

  6. How can we make sure our organisation is ready for a range of possible, probable, and preferred futures?

  7. What are some potential disruptions that could impact our business over the next 5 to 10 years?

  8. What if we take a completely different approach to our business? What would that look like?

  9. What are some "wildcard" scenarios that could play out and how could we prepare for them?

  10. How can we ensure that our strategies remain resilient in the face of unexpected change?

  11. Are there any new technologies that could help us reach our goals faster and/or with more efficiency?

  12. What resources should we be investing in now to better prepare for upcoming changes?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. As with anything, the key is to be flexible and adapt as needed. The goal is to think about futures in a structured way so that we can make better decisions today.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to using strategic foresight in your business. The key is to experiment, find what works for you, and adapt as needed. But if you're looking for some ideas, here are a few ways you can get started:

  • Anticipate change – Use trend analysis and scenario planning to anticipate future changes that could impact your business. This will help you be more prepared and responsive to change.

  • Make better decisions – Use foresight techniques like backcasting and market analysis to make better-informed decisions about the future.

  • Develop a clear vision and strategy – Use strategic foresight to develop a clear vision and strategy for your business. This will help you gain a competitive edge.

  • Be more prepared for a range of futures – Use foresight methods to identify potential risks and opportunities so that you can be better prepared for the future.

  • Be more agile and responsive to change – Use foresight to anticipate change and be more agile and responsive to it. This will help you stay ahead of the competition.

  • Gain insights into potential outcomes – Use foresight to gain insights into potential future outcomes so that you can make better decisions for today.

  • Leverage technology – Use foresight to leverage new technologies and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Think outside the box – Challenge existing assumptions and think creatively about potential futures. This will help you come up with more innovative solutions.

  • Monitor progress – Use foresight techniques to check in on your progress periodically and make adjustments when necessary.

  • Involve stakeholders – Use foresight to involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

  • Collaborate with like-minded people – Connect with other experts and organisations using foresight to collaborate on projects and exchange ideas. This will help you stay ahead of trends and gain insights into potential futures.

  • Take a holistic view – Use foresight to take a holistic view of the situation and identify potential opportunities or risks that may not be immediately apparent.

Strategic foresight is a powerful tool that enables organisations to think proactively about the future, anticipate change, and make strategic decisions in the present. It encourages innovative thinking, stakeholder involvement, and a holistic approach to identifying opportunities and uncertainties. By leveraging technology and fostering collaboration among like-minded individuals and organisations, foresight empowers businesses to stay competitive, agile, and prepared for whatever futures may hold. Remember, the key to successful foresight is not about predicting futures, but in making the most of the possibilities they present today.


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