Regenerative Leadership for a New Pathway Forward.

As times feel increasingly uncertain, it’s easy to fall into the trap of responding too quickly to urgent matters. These reactions can often result in more of the same and perpetuate existing systems and structures. But now is the time for leaders across industries to be bold, seize the opportunity, and lead with regenerative approaches. By doing so, we can uncover and discover new genuine pathways forward.

"We have created production systems that are based on a linear, take-make- waste approach focused on immediacy and dehumanization. We have created financial systems based on short-term profit maximization that ignore life and debase human integrity. Our organizational systems are dominated by hyper-competition, power-and-control hierarchies, and rising stress. In our current environment, the few benefit at the expense of the many."*

What does regenerative leadership mean?

Regenerative leadership takes an expansive approach towards systemic change. It seeks not just to correct or repair existing problems but instead emphasise transformation while building resilience and sustainability at every level. This type of leadership requires a sharp focus on collaboration, collective intelligence, self-awareness, creativity and innovation in order to move beyond conventional thinking—all while cultivating an environment that is safe and supportive for everyone involved.

What are the benefits of regenerative leadership?

The benefits of regenerative leadership are wide ranging. It encourages leaders to consider longer-term goals and think systemically about how their decisions will impact the larger community, not just in the present moment but also for generations to come. It can help create an environment of trust, connection and respect between all stakeholders, enabling creative solutions to emerge that would otherwise remain invisible. It can also lead to increased engagement and participation, as well as improved morale and productivity. Lastly, it can help develop a culture of shared responsibility and ownership that ensures everyone involved is heard and respected.

By embracing regenerative leadership, leaders can foster an environment where people are encouraged to utilise their talents in order to benefit the greater good. Not only does this create lasting, meaningful change for all involved but it also gives us hope that we can collectively craft better futures.

The six habits of regenerative leaders.

Dr Wayne Visser in his book "Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and Economy"** outlines six habits that regenerative leaders should embrace.

  • Systemic leadership - Understanding the whole system and its interrelated parts, recognising how modifications to any one part can cause ripples throughout the whole.

  • Inclusive leadership - Supporting all stakeholders to work together and actively participate. This includes deep discussion to reach consensus, and supporting each other. Leaders who are inclusive also celebrate people's achievements.

  • Strategic leadership - Thinking longer-term and looking at situations as a whole and not just focusing on one small part.

  • Caring leadership - Embracing servant leadership, being present and open to feedback, and understanding the needs of others.

  • Innovative leadership - Challenging the status quo and using creativity to design better systems.

  • Courageous leadership - Showing the courage to take risks, stay the course and make difficult decisions.

By embracing these habits, regenerative leaders can create better futures for their organisation and the wider world. They can forge meaningful relationships, nurture creativity and unlock potential across all levels of society. By doing so they will build resilience and sustainability in order to inspire hope and lasting change.

The power of generative questions.

Generative questions—those that spark creative thought processes—are powerful tools for any leader as they look to identify meaningful changes for their organisation. Rather than relying on broad directives or commands, generative questions allow leaders to tap into the collective wisdom within their team to generate ideas that are customised for their unique circumstances.

Generative questions are "What if?" questions. Examples of generative questions are:

  • “What would happen if…?"

  • “What could be possible if…?”

  • “How could we…?”

Generative questions create an open space for people to think critically and come up with innovative, holistic solutions. By engaging in this type of dialogue, leaders not only give their team members the opportunity to contribute meaningfully but also position themselves as facilitators who are committed to creating better futures together.

What are the building blocks for successful regenerative leadership?

For successful regenerative leadership initiatives, there are several essential components that must be accounted for: passion, purposeful action plans and comprehensive strategies; strong communication among stakeholders; clear accountability; recognition of successes; failure tolerance; and a focus on learning from mistakes rather than dwelling upon them. By making sure these blocks are in place before launching a new initiative or process change, organisations will be better positioned for success along each step of their journey towards transformation.

Foresight as a crucial tool of regenerative leaders.

Regenerative leaders can only be successful if they think ahead. This involves having a far-reaching point of view and utilising foresight to help identify the bigger picture while at the same time not disregarding what might happen next. Foresight is the ability to anticipate future events in order to make decisions that will result in a more desirable outcome.

Regenerative leaders must be able to identify emerging trends and recognise potential disruptions, allowing them to prepare for what may come and adjust their strategy accordingly. This requires engaging in scenario-planning exercises, actively monitoring the external environment, exploring alternative futures and using emerging change and trend data to inform decision-making. Through foresight, regenerative leaders can create pathways for positive change that are resilient and adaptive in the face of uncertainty.

The futures of regenerative leadership.

Regenerative leadership offers us the opportunity to build a better tomorrow by transforming our current systems and structures from the inside out. It is an approach that can be embraced at any level—from businesses seeking to grow sustainably to communities striving for greater equity. By leading with compassion, creativity, and collaboration, we can break free from the limiting structures of the past and craft a future that is more inclusive, equitable and sustainable for everyone.

This type of leadership requires courage, commitment, and an openness to new ideas—but its potential rewards are immense. When we embrace regenerative approaches, we open up a world of possibilities and create brighter futures for us all.

Now is the time for leaders to lead with regenerative approaches in order create meaningful change within their organisations today and build lasting resilience into tomorrow’s futures. Through developing a culture based on passionate purposeful action plans, strong communication among stakeholders, clear accountability measures and recognition of successes, we can discover new genuine pathways forward while also creating an environment that is safe and supportive throughout our journey together. It won't always be easy but by embracing regenerative leadership practices we can make sure our businesses —and our world—thrive in uncertain times ahead!


*Giles Hutchins & Laura Storm (2019), Regenerative Leadership – the DNA of life-affirming 21st-century organizations, Wordzworth Publishing.

**Visser, W. (2022) Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society and the Economy. New York: Fast Company Press.


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