Engage & inspire your audience.

Unmatched content, professional delivery.

When you need to deliver the best possible experience for your audience insight & foresight gets the job done. Whether an all staff conference, executive retreat or strategy seminar we have the content and presenting style to take your event to the next level.

Engaging, educating, entertaining - the perfect combination.

Presentation themes.

Foresight & futures thinking.

We are living in an age of uncertainty. Everywhere we look something is changing. Our heads spin with awe and trepidation at the rapidly evolving world we must navigate. We are constantly challenged to make sense of the ever-shifting forces and find our footing.

In this presentation, we offer strategies to use foresight to understand the changing environment, anticipate potential outcomes and plan for success in uncertain times. We explore how we can make the most of our resources and capabilities and develop visions for our futures.

Emerging change & trends.

As leaders, we must be proactive in anticipating and preparing for change. With the rise of globalisation, technological advances, complex societal challenges and ever-growing competition among businesses, staying on top of emerging change & trends is crucial for long-term success.

In this presentation we deep dive into contemporary tools and methods to identify emerging change & trends and deep dive into some of the key ones to watch in your industry. We explore the world leading Futures Platform™ and see how to use foresight radars to support your strategy and seize new opportunities as they arise .

Futures scenarios.

Imagine futures, five or ten years from now—where will the world be? Futures scenarios are design fiction narratives that enable businesses to better understand the potential path of their products, services, and industries in near futures. They offer engaging examples of futures that allow business leaders to make informed and strategic decisions for their companies.

Using design fiction practices, in this presentation we create tangible and evocative narratives about possible futures, helping paint a vivid picture that's both reflective and informative. Welcome to the world of the possible, probable and wildcard!

Presentation examples.