Doctors Of Our Futures. Design Fiction Presentation.
This story is a work of design fiction. It was created for Doctors Health in Queensland and presented at the “DHQ Forum: Doctors Unmasked: being human in medicine” held on 02 June 2023 in Brisbane, Queensland.
To learn more about design fiction click here.
The design fiction story was built using a modified foresight methodology. The following steps were completed:
Using the theme “Doctors Unmasked: being human in medicine” as a focal point the Futures Platform™ database was used to identify a list of 14 emerging change and trend phenomena to explore.
A webpage was created to allow Doctors Health of Queensland members to review the phenomena and access a survey to answer two questions relating to each phenomenon.
What is your estimate of the probability that this phenomenon will impact by 2050? (1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High)
What will be the intensity of impact of this phenomenon on the role of doctors if it arrives? (1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High)
The results of the survey were used to create a rating of phenomena:
4. The numerical ratings were used to create a visualisation of the results:
5. Using the phenomena focus levels to determine relevance and importance the following design fiction story was created.