Five Reasons to Say "Futures" Instead of "the Future".

Have you ever wondered why we use the term "futures" instead of "the future"? It may seem like a small distinction, but the use of plural versus singular can have a significant impact on the way we think about futures. At insight & foresight, we believe that futures are not predetermined, cannot be predicted and that multiple possible scenarios exist. We use the term "futures" as often as we can because it helps us to:

  1. Accept Uncertainty: One of the main reasons why we use "futures" instead of "the future" is to acknowledge that futures are not set in stone. By using the plural, we recognise that multiple possible futures could unfold depending on a variety of factors. This mindset helps us to embrace uncertainty and to prepare for a range of different scenarios. It also encourages us to be more adaptable and flexible in our thinking, which is crucial in today's rapidly changing world.

  2. Avoid Limiting Thinking: When we use the term "the future", it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there is only one possible outcome. This can limit our thinking and prevent us from considering alternate possibilities. By using "futures", we open up our minds to a wider range of potential outcomes, which allows us to be more creative and expansive in our decision-making.

  3. Encourage Collaboration: Another benefit of using "futures" instead of "the future" is that it encourages collaboration and discussion. When we recognise that there are multiple possible outcomes, we are more likely to seek out different perspectives and opinions. This can lead to more robust decision-making and can help to prevent groupthink or tunnel vision. When a team addresses "futures" it immediately opens the door for everyone to contribute a diverse range of views.

  4. Support Innovation: The use of "futures" instead of "the future" supports innovation. Acknowledging the potential for multiple scenarios, allows us to be more creative in our thinking and to come up with novel ideas and solutions. This can be especially useful when it comes to developing new products and services or tackling emerging change and trends that will shape the futures of society, technology, economy, environment and politics.

  5. Think Longer Term: Finally, using "futures" instead of "the future" can also support us to think more long-term. Long-term thinking (5-10 years ahead) can be hard, especially in times of change and uncertainty, and it is essential if we are to create sustainable futures. By using the plural form, we recognise that our futures will be shaped by multiple factors and that our decisions today can have a lasting impact on the multiple outcomes possible across a range of futures.

As you can see, the use of "futures" instead of "the future" has numerous benefits and can help to shape our outlook on our futures positively. At insight & foresight, we believe that by embracing this concept, we can improve our ability to make informed decisions and create brighter futures for ourselves and our organisations. So, let's keep using "futures" instead of "the future". You never know what futures may hold!

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