
Sharing ideas, trends, issues and signals influencing the futures of organisations.

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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

Icons of Futures Thinking.

Explore five core methods of futures thinking with insight & foresight's Icons of Futures Thinking: Futures Triangle, Two x Two Matrix, Three Horizons, Four Archetypes, and the Futures Wheel. Learn how these approaches can help navigate and redefine our rapidly transforming world.

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leadership, society James Clampett leadership, society James Clampett

From 'The Future' to 'Their Futures'.

In our rapidly changing world, leaders have always tried to envision a single, predictable future that they can control. However, we are now realising that there are many possible futures that could unfold. Rather than focusing on just one future, we need to embrace the idea of multiple futures, where leadership and all stakeholders work together to create a diverse, inclusive, and sustainable world.

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leadership, society James Clampett leadership, society James Clampett

futures insights: New work values.

Rather than solely striving for financial success, an increasing number of people recognise the importance of leisure time. How could this change in values alter our relationship to work and leisure? What role will AI and automation play? Its time to start thinking about this emerging change and its impact!

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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

5 Benefits of Using Foresight.

Foresight is the ability to see beyond the present and into the future, and when used correctly, it can provide several benefits. So if you're looking for a way to boost your organisation's performance, foresight may be just what you need. In this post, we'll explore five benefits of using foresight in business. Keep reading to learn more!

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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

What is Futures Intelligence?

The future is now. The pace of change and innovation has never been so fast or relentless. As a result, organisations need to plan for impact and growth with an eye on the future - which means using futures intelligence: trends, signals, emerging changes data to build foresight.

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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

Real growth takes time.

Building foresight capabilities supports long-term growth plans because foresight assumes that the future is not pre-determined. The future can move in a variety of directions, to some extent influenced by the plans and decisions you make today. Foresight adds value by providing a view of possible, probable and preferred futures, which supports your planning and decision making to deliver impact and future growth.

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