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case study James Clampett case study James Clampett

Case Study: The Scenario Creation Process.

In this Flourish presentation, we will guide you through a process that enables your team to explore and analyse multiple possible futures. By doing so, you can create a robust and adaptable strategy, equipped to navigate the fast-changing and complex world we live in.

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leadership, society James Clampett leadership, society James Clampett

The Future is Now: Anticipating Not Knowing.

To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we need to anticipate and prepare for the unknowns. This means understanding the systems and contexts that drive what is happening today in order to better understand what will happen next. It also requires a mindset shift towards embracing uncertainty instead of trying to eliminate it.

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leadership, society, technology, funding James Clampett leadership, society, technology, funding James Clampett

Strategic foresight offers a robust method for dealing with adaptive problems.

Adaptive problems occur when organisations are faced with situations that require individuals throughout the organisation to alter their traditional ways of thinking to effectively address them. These types of issues are often challenging to solve, as typical problem-solving approaches and existing knowledge may not be sufficient for addressing them.

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