Futures scenario planning.

Video Transcript.

How to use futures scenario planning for curious for-purpose organisations.

When you look forward at what futures might appear what do you see?

Most of the time it would be best described as a grey fog, unclear, uncertain, and slightly scary!

Futures scenario planning is using future intelligence to inform alternative visions of possible, probable, and preferred futures, and interpreting how those futures might impact your organisation.

Futures intelligence is the trends, signals, and emerging change that your organisation identifies to build plans and make decisions that help you thrive in an uncertain and fast-changing world.

Futures intelligence can come from anywhere. They could be a technology, a product or service, a social media topic, a research project, a news story, or just a piece of data that shows something is different or changing.

When you engage insight & foresight in a project one of the ways we support you is by helping you identify the futures intelligence that matters most to your organisation's current context and then build those data points into 3-4 futures scenarios that we can then use to build plans and make decisions.

Let's take a look at how we do that.

  • Step 1: we start with the Futures Platform database of over 800 futurist curated trends, signals, and emerging change phenomena and identify those that are the most relevant to your organisation's current context.

  • Step 2: we engage your stakeholders in workshops, surveys, and discussions to assess the selected phenomena by combinations of probability, timeframe and intensity. This is an important stage as it involves a diverse range of stakeholders all contributing valuable information about your organisation, industry, and operating context.

  • Step 3: we use the rankings to group combinations of phenomena into possible, portable, preferred and even wildcard scenarios and get creative about building descriptive narratives around each one.

  • Step 4: we use each scenario to test your plans and decisions to identify how your organisation could deliver impact and growth in, adapt to, and influence the futures that appear.

This process provides your organisation with a structured, efficient, and highly engaging way of thinking 5 to 10 years ahead to make decisions today.

It will dramatically improve the ability of your planning and decision-making to deliver the results you want.

If you want to discuss how futures scenario planning can be used by your organisation message me on LinkedIn or visit our website at insightandforesight.com.au

Have a great day.


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