Sharing ideas, trends, issues and signals influencing the futures of organisations.
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The Foresight DJ - Mixing the Tracks of our Futures.
Discover the Foresight DJ, visionaries who inspire people and organisations to embrace future possibilities through transformative mixes.
Doctors Of Our Futures. Design Fiction Presentation.
Key note presentation: 0900 Friday 02 June 2023, Doctors Health in Queensland “DHQ Forum: Doctors Unmasked: being human in medicine” Brisbane, Queensland.
Be Bold. Prepare for Futures: A guide to exploring tomorrow, today.
Key note presentation: 0900 Friday 24 March 2023, Local Government Association of South Australia Communications Conference, Adelaide, South Australia.
Exploring & Creating Futures Workshop: Leaders for IMPACT Network.
Foresight workshops: 18 & 19 January 2023, Leaders for IMPACT Network, Sydney, Australia.
Using Foresight to Work in the Space of Not Knowing.
The best way to deal with uncertainty will vary depending on the situation. However, some tips for dealing with uncertainty include being flexible, staying open-minded, and not being afraid to take risks.
Transforming your Business Model with Futures Intelligence.
You've been running your business for a few years now and you're starting to feel like you're stuck. The business model that made sense when your organisation started is no longer providing the results you're looking for. It’s time to find a better way.
Futures Scenario Planning.
Futures scenario planning is using future intelligence to inform alternative visions of possible, probable, and preferred futures, and interpreting how those futures might impact your organisation.
Think Like a Futurist for Impact and Future Growth.
One way to make sense of what's happening is to think like a futurist. Futurists use foresight to examine trends and identify potential scenarios for the future. This helps them to see both the opportunities and the challenges that lie ahead.
What is Futures Intelligence?
The future is now. The pace of change and innovation has never been so fast or relentless. As a result, organisations need to plan for impact and growth with an eye on the future - which means using futures intelligence: trends, signals, emerging changes data to build foresight.