Sharing ideas, trends, issues and signals influencing the futures of organisations.
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Case Study: The Scenario Creation Process.
In this Flourish presentation, we will guide you through a process that enables your team to explore and analyse multiple possible futures. By doing so, you can create a robust and adaptable strategy, equipped to navigate the fast-changing and complex world we live in.
Case Study: How to Use Scenarios to Review an Operations Plan, Mid Strategy.
Discover how incorporating scenario planning into your operations review can elevate strategic thinking, foster innovation, and challenge conventional approaches. Foster creativity, challenge assumptions and biases, and collaborate effectively to ensure organisational alignment and success with a futures thinking workshop.
Using Foresight to Plan & Make Decisions for Impact & Future Growth.
Our comprehensive approach and process helps you plan for your futures. Let us show you how to use foresight to make decisions that will have a lasting impact on your business.
What Business Problems Does Foresight Address?
In times of uncertainty, leaders often respond by cutting back on investments, freezing hiring, reducing marketing efforts, avoiding new market ventures, and even becoming indecisive. While these defensive moves are understandable and may have been necessary for survival in the past, in today's world they can hinder progress and lead to missed opportunities.
The Futures of Work: Balancing Technology and Jobs.
The futures of work are changing at a rapid pace, and it's hard not to be excited and curious about them! With the rise of robots, artificial intelligence, and smart technologies, it seems as though the possibilities are endless. What could happen next?
Futures Scenario Planning.
Futures scenario planning is using future intelligence to inform alternative visions of possible, probable, and preferred futures, and interpreting how those futures might impact your organisation.
How to Think About Futures.
A good way to create alternative views of futures is by building scenarios. This involves bringing together different trends, phenomena, and uncertainties to understand their interdependence and joint implications.