4 ways to find clarity with foresight.

If you are facing an uncertain or unfamiliar path, using foresight tools helps you find clarity, plan, and make decisions for success in the future. With a focus on what happens next, foresight tools help not-for-profit CEOs and Boards explore opportunities and challenges to deliver impact and future growth. Foresight tools can give you the moments of clarity to make decisions with increased confidence and greater reliability.

Here are four tips to keep in mind when using foresight tools:

  1. Visualise the future you desire, not just the problems.

  2. The deeper you dive into foresight work, the better off you are.

  3. Decisions in the near and distant future require different approaches and tools.

  4. Acknowledging uncertainty doesn't mean you aren't ready to act.

Visualise the future you desire, not just the problems.

Foresight tools encourage you to visualise the future you desire and plan changes that align with your vision; what you want, not just what you don't want. Foresight helps you differentiate between the two and understand the ripple effects of the actions taken today on events years from now. With foresight, you can plan change to create your desired future, not just react to the problems that are presented.

Futures are not fixed in time. You can affect the futures that appear based on your decisions and actions. You have considerably more influence over the future than you realise. You may play a part in creating your desired futures by having a clear long-term vision and creating an action plan to implement it

The deeper you dive into foresight work, the better off you are.

When you start diving into foresight work, it's easy to believe that any moment of clarity gleaned from your work is sufficient - but it's not. The deeper you dive into foresight and the more questions you ask, the closer you get to a clear picture of what's ahead.

The more deliberate your work with foresight is, the better off you are because those moments of clarity can foster action. With those moments of clarity, not-for-profit CEOs and Boards can create plans and make decisions that will help them achieve their long-term goals.

Decisions in the near and distant future require different approaches and tools.

Foresight can be daunting when you think years, decades, or even centuries into the future - but that doesn't mean you should stop taking small steps today that will help you achieve your long-term goals. A focus on the near future, within the next three to five years, is more manageable and can have a bigger impact than you might think, especially if those actions are taken with a longer-term view in mind.

Acknowledging uncertainty doesn't mean you aren't ready to act.

When it comes to foresight, there are two types of uncertainty: the uncertainty of the future itself and the impact of your actions will have on that future.

Uncertainty is a part of life, by using foresight tools you can plan for events with greater reliability than if you were to allow fear and doubt to stop you. By acknowledging uncertainty, not-for-profit CEOs and Boards can start taking action now rather than waiting for the perfect solution to appear.

When you use foresight tools, don't let fear and doubt stop you from getting where you want and need to be. It's in those moments when we feel unsure that we can go further than we could ever imagine.

In a world of uncertainty, using foresight tools can help your organisation be ready for what's next.

insight & foresight can provide you with the capacity and capability to bring foresight into your planning and decision-making. Together we can get your organisation ready for what might happen in the next 5, 10, 20 years.

In the world of not-for-profits, foresight tools help you make decisions with increased confidence and greater reliability. With a focus on what happens next, these decision-making techniques can give you clarity to overcome any obstacle in your path. To get started using them properly, follow our four tips for success: visualizing the future desired by yourself or organization; diving deeper into the work as needed; understanding that near term and long term decisions require different approaches and tools; acknowledging uncertainty while still being ready to act. If none of this is sounding very clear right now and you want more information about how insight & foresight can guide you through each step of planning for impactful outcomes at every stage in your journey, contact insight & foresight today!

Be ready for what's next.


Foresight for our futures.