
Sharing ideas, trends, issues and signals influencing the futures of organisations.

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Change is happening.

Forward thinking leaders need to develop the ability to scan for signals, issues and trends that are developing now and create a view on how they might play across a range of futures. We also need to be able to anticipate change and get ready for what might happen next. In some cases, we need to be able to create change ourselves and help build the futures we want to see.

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society, leadership James Clampett society, leadership James Clampett

How to be a good ancestor.

It can be easy to believe that tomorrow will be like today—that customers will have the same demands, that businesses will operate in the same way, or that Governments will make similar decisions. These beliefs are comforting, in part because they suggest that nothing fundamental will change in our futures. But if we believe these things about futures, then we are limiting those who come after us to live in a world that is less than what it could be.

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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

4 ways to find clarity with foresight.

If you are facing an uncertain or unfamiliar path, using foresight tools helps you find clarity, plan, and make decisions for success in the future. With a focus on what happens next, foresight tools help not-for-profit CEOs and Boards explore opportunities and challenges to deliver…

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