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leadership James Clampett leadership James Clampett

How to Use Foresight to Ensure Long-Term Success.

Foresight is essential to long-term success because it gives businesses the ability to anticipate and adapt to change. By understanding customer needs, monitoring industry trends, exploring new technologies and preparing for multiple future scenarios, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

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leadership, society, technology James Clampett leadership, society, technology James Clampett

Prepare Your Business for Futures with insight & foresight.

The world is becoming more complex and unpredictable, making it difficult for businesses to stay ahead of their competition. This is where strategic foresight comes into play. It allows businesses to identify potential risks and opportunities before they arise, allowing them to make informed decisions about how best to move forward.

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leadership, society James Clampett leadership, society James Clampett

futures insights: New work values.

Rather than solely striving for financial success, an increasing number of people recognise the importance of leisure time. How could this change in values alter our relationship to work and leisure? What role will AI and automation play? Its time to start thinking about this emerging change and its impact!

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