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leadership, society James Clampett leadership, society James Clampett

The Power of Prospection: An Introduction to Innovating From Everywhere.

Prospection is a valuable skill because it helps us to remain agile while remaining rooted in our values. It allows us to innovate from everywhere —whether that's within our organisations, between different industries, or even in completely new spaces—allowing us to create and influence radical futures for ourselves and our businesses.

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technology James Clampett technology James Clampett

Design thinking cybersecurity.

Did you know that employees are the weak link in cyber defences and often the entry point for cyber-attacks?

The reality is employees undervalue the importance of cyber security. They have a low level of vigilance. They don’t see it as a personal problem.

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leadership, society, technology, funding James Clampett leadership, society, technology, funding James Clampett

Thought starter: Responsive Innovation.

You need to be able to have the flexibility in your ideas, but also in how you get things done. There are lots of benefits that come with this approach including greater customer engagement, increased revenue streams and improved operational efficiency. This ability to make quick adjustments means that organisations can respond more quickly to changing market conditions or customer needs. This means you can adapt, compete and succeed in a market that is more dynamic than ever before.

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